Grand Lake Area Mini Yellow Pages with Live Links

This will notify locals and vacation homeowners by cell phone if a drastic event is affecting their homes.
For emergency updates, also go to www.facebook.com/grandcountyoem
Do you have working carbon monoxide detector(s)?
Please place 1 within 12 feet of each sleeping area.
For additional lodging, restaurant and other recommendations, jump to the
Grand Lake Chamber of Commerce Directory of Businesses
Click here to reach the very useful Grand County Government site.
It has links to the building department and almost all county offices.
Click here to Visit other web sites featuring Grand County
Telephone numbers beginning with 970, 627, 887, 726/722, 725 and 724 are respectively in Grand Lake, Granby, Winter Park, Hot Sulphur Springs and Kremmling. 531 and 509 are the prefixes for many local cell phones, so those are local numbers as well. Dial the area code 970.
Zip Codes: Grand Lake 80447, Granby 80446
POISON CONTROL: 800-332-3073
AIRPORT: www.granbyairport.com 970-887-2123 at county Road and Bridge is the Airport contact.
Weather observation: www.granbyairport.com 970-887-1803
ANIMAL CONTROL & SHELTER (for Adopting Pets and for calling the Dog Catcher) 970- 887-2988 gcpetpals.org
APPLIANCE REPAIR: Jimbo's Appliance 970-887-1313 jimbosappliances@hotmail.com
APPLIANCES: High Country Appliances- showroom along Granby's main street: 970-887-3335 Email: sales@highcountryappliances.com
Website: www.highcountryappliances.com HCA will only work on certain brands- please call to confirm they work of your brand of appliance.
Kevin McClain 970-531-6144 mcclain.appraisals@gmail.com;
Mountain Home Appraisals - Doug Doudna 970-627-8462 drdoudna@mountainhomeappraisals.com;
Grand Appraisal - Chris 970-724-9387 office.grandappraisal@gmail.com;
Kelly Griesch 970-531-8793 kgriesch@areteappraisal.com;
Jill Rees 630-728-2213 rees351@comcast.net;
Jo Ann Apostol at Deer Creek Appraisals- 720-260-6214 cell, 303-416-8761 fax, deercreekappraisals@msn.com, http://www.deercreekappraisals.com
Martin Soosloff - Treehouse Appraisal Services 303-808-2096, cassidysoos@yahoo.com.
ARCHITECTS: Munn Architecture-Scott 970-887-9366;
Alan Carter 970-887-3003;
Krista Klancke Krista@outlierco.org.
AREA INFO: Grandcounty365.com
Ron Stern 970-887-2163 ronstern47@gmail.com;
Frank Parker 970-887-2121 fparker@nplaw.biz;
Brian Blumenfeld 973-479-9661 brian.blumenfeld@gmail.com or brian@rzalegal.com;
Katie Randall 970-725-3460 Whitmer Law Firm
Never Summer Law, LLC 303-520-5000 natascha@neversummerlaw.com
Michael's Audio Video 970-948-4288 michael@michaelsav.com
Tom at Alternate Sources behind Napa in Granby 970-509-9600;
Wyatt's Performance and Diesel 970-557-3067, Wyattsperformance@gmail.com;
Chris Hillison/Hilly's Towing and diesel repair 970-726-5841;
Mountain Valley Mobile RV & Auto Repair Bob Sinclair 303-945-1953.
BACKHOE WORK: See Excavating.
BANKS: United Business Bank 970-887-1221, 970-627-9500 for their banking in Grand Lake location.
U.S. Bank: 970-887-3361, sheri.lock@usbank.com . Also, Bluefcu.com 970-557-5177 Those and below are by the stoplight in Granby.
Credit Union of the Rockies
cu-rockies@cu-rockies.org 303-273-5200.
Also, see Loans.
Grand Arts Council- for concerts, comedy and arts events 970-531-0804;
Grand Lake Rotary Club- Don Ray at 303-638-5835 donmray@gmail.com,
Grand Chorale - (barbershop chorus open to men and ladies) jshaw051@gmail.com;
Grand Lake Creative District - promotes our creative individuals DiAnn at 970-531-1343;
Grand Lake Area Historical Society- Kaufman House by the beach, Cottage Court from 1915, History walks, etc. historygrandlake@gmail.com 970-627-9644
Upper Colorado River Watershed Group (UCRWG.org) promotes awareness and conservation of waterways in Grand County. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11am at the Granby Library.
BOAT RENTAL: on Grand Lake - Grand Lake Marina 970-627-9273; Headwaters Marina 970-627-5031.
On Shadow Mountain Lake: Trail Ridge Marina 970-627-3586;
For boat rental on our largest lake, Lake Granby: Beacon Landing 970-627-3671
BUILDERS: Ask for references and ask each about whether they carry builder's liability coverage.
H3 Construction & Design 970-310-6931 josh@h3-ltd.com (they can help with building plans, too);
Erik Alander 970-531-8694;
Jake Mullinex with Peak to Peak Construction LLC 970-531-2541;
Matt Collins 720-392-5145 (prospec.mc@gmail.com);
Summit Edge Builders 903-744-2753 or 303-481-2005 phillip@summitedgebuilders.com (www.summitedgebuilders.com) *MODULAR INSTALLATION*;
Elk Mountain Construction, Jimmy Strickland at 970-531-7141
BUILDING MATERIAL: Grand Lake Hardware offers paint and am impressive selection of small items you would expect from a hardware store 970-627-8424 Located at 700 Grand Avenue.
In Granby:
Legacy Building Supplies can provide and deliver a lot of what you will enjoy selecting for your remodel.
Alpine Lumber's site shows they have a kitchen & bath designer.
Ace Hardware in Granby carries paint, outdoor furniture and a huge selection of home decor.
BUILDING DEPT The County Building Department can be very helpful!
for Grand County: 970-725-3255. For building inspections 970-725-3300.
Click here for » instructions and guidelines for obtaining a building permit.
CAMPGROUNDS: Elk Creek info@elkcreekcamp.com- Reservations can be made online using BookYourSite.
Winding River Resort www.windingriverresort.com 970-627-3215;
US Forest Service 970-887-4100 Visit www.recreation.gov to find a campground and make reservations.
CAR RENTALS: Avalanche Car Rentals 970-887-3908 info@avscars.com.
CAR WASH: first right as you enter Grand Lake - a block down on your right
CARPENTRY: Alex Bloomfield 970-531-8043 (alexbloomfield247@gmail.com);
CARPET CLEANING: Rocky Mtn Chem-Dri (Dave Hanks) 970-627-2445 (for texting please use: 719-331-4012/ dbhhanks@gmail.com);
Frank Laws 970-509-0360;
prosystemscarpetcleaning@gmail.com Karl 970-531-7170 or Hanzi 970-531-1863
CARPET STRETCHING - Shadow Mountain Flooring Travis Sauter 303-906-3621;
CATERING: Carey at Daven Haven 303-921-5334 stonecreekcatering.com;
Wildhorse Catering 970-531-0160;
Sagebrush 970-627-1404
CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE: Grand Lake 970-627-3402 gograndlake.com;
Granby 970-887-2311 granbychamber.com;
Winter Park 970-726-4118 playwinterpark.com ;
Grand County visitgrandcounty.com
CHIMNEY SWEEP: Grand Sweeps (duct cleaning, too) 970-887-2474 grandsweepsinc.com; Clean Sweeps (dryer vents, too) 970-726-9581.
CHIROPRACTOR: Drs. Jeff & Debbie Shaw 970-887-3131.
Trinity Church in the Pines (Presbyterian): 970-627-3510, Sunday at 9:30am, 604 Lake Avenue by Sledding Hill;
Community Church of the Rockies: 970-775-4629, Sunday at 9 am at 301 Marina Drive - Grand Lake Center (former school building) www.ccrgl.org;
Stillwater Chapel: 970-627-3937, Sunday at 10:30 am, 4.5 miles south of town at 10300 Hwy 34 http://www.stillwater-chapel.org;
St. Anne Catholic Church: 970-887-0032, Saturdays at 5 pm, 360 Hancock Street
Kristy Good 970-690-9709 (Call or text: nightly rentals, monthly cleans, construction or move out cleans);
Christine Bonnett 970-531-2565 (Construction cleans/ nightly rentals/ listing and move outs);
Mountain High Cleaning 719-660-5912 sara.ternus@yahoo.com (only STR's or managed properties- she may be full but she takes new clients if she is able to);
Kelly (personal cleans, no rentals) 720-327-5847;
Jen Parks 719-398-9072 (alpinejen90@gmail.com)- wide variety of cleans;
Le Kukuk (requires a 24 hour turnaround) 940-682-1538;
Sunshine and Bluebird Cleaning (Beth Szynskie) 720-270-5606/ sunshineandbluebirdcleaning@gmail.com (nightly listings and deep cleans);
Gia's Clean Dreams (Gabriela Garcia) 970-301-1406 (giascleandreams@gmail.com)
Unique Cleaning types:
Specializing in Window Tinting (Residential/ Commercial), Window Cleaning (Residential/ Commerical),Glass Polishing & hard water stain removal: JAM Enterprises/Patrick Brown 970-531-9889, jamtinting@gmail.com;
Frank Laws 970-509-0360 can clean upholstery, tile, pet odor, garage floors, power washing, drain jetting, even mattress cleaning!
CLEAN-UP of property, outdoors as well as indoors
Steve Tukua 303-638-1249; Bob Adams 970-627-0096;
Clive - Metal recycling - 970-531-6984;
Jim - Electronics recycling - 970-281-2444 JJM@bluelifeco.com.
Ehren Samuelson 970-531-7071 (slash and debris removal);
COMPUTER HELP - new and repair and assistance:
Holly Wood at High Country Cellular at 373 Highway 40 in Granby 970-557-4444 hccellularelectronics.com
CONCRETE: Piceno's Tile, Concrete & Stone (970) 509-9403 (Tile, LVT); Penley Concrete at 303-841-9542;
Concrete Floor Coatings/ Epoxies (Residential/ Commercial)- Pat Brown at 970-531-9889, jamtinting@gmail.com;
Middle Park Conservation District provides a lot of information on Grand County Environment and sells native grass, wildflower and plants middleparkcd.com ;
Upper Colorado River Watershed Group (UCRWG.org) promotes awareness and conservation of waterways in Grand County. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11am at the Granby Library.
COUNTY COURTHOUSE & SERVICES: Click on this link for an awesome resource!
Switchboard can be reached at 970-725-3347 and will connect you with the proper extension; Press 0 to hear the options listed below
COVID-19 Information at 970-725-3755
DMV 1; Driver's License Office 2; Recording Department 3; Building permits, inspections and Short Term Rentals 4; Treasurer (Tax Department) 5; Housing Authority/ Community Development 6; Child Support/ Childcare Assistance/ Medicaid/ food stamps and other temporary assistance 7.
Press # for additional extensions: Manager's office 2; Road & Bridge 3; Natural Resources 4; Human Resources 5; Accounting & Finance 6; County Courts/ Jury Duty 7; CO 14th District Attorney's Office 8; Contact elected Officials 9.
Direct line to the Building Department is 970-725-3255.
County Building and Zoning Regulations
Courthouse address is 308 Byers Ave., Box 239, Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451
DECK UNDER COVERINGS: Under Cover Systems Thom 303-574-0280;
DECOR: For decor and some home furnishings, the many shops in Grand Lake are the best. Unique items for all tastes: Whispering Pine and Humphrey's Cabin Fever are right across from our office. Explore the Boardwalk for others!
DIVISION OF WILDLIFE: (for reporting wild animals in distress) 970-725-6200 wildlife.state.co.us
DOG TRAINING: George Wilcinski at Get Along Little Doggie Dog Training (970) 978-0639, getalonglittledoggie.training@gmail.com
We at Mountain Lake Properties often know of families who have just purchased or of local families who need furniture and othe items. Ask Donna at 970-531-3333; Or, try
Mountain Family Center at 970-557-3186 or admin@mountainfamilycenter.org is in Granby, across from the 7-11. If they have a family in need of furniture, they will take it. They accept food and warm clothes;
The Theatre in Grand Lake will consider taking small furnishings for the actors' living quarters and other items for props, etc. Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre: 970-627-5087;
Changes Thrift Store next to the Safeway takes furniture 726-4222 #45 Road 804 in Fraser changesthriftstore@gmail.com;
Samuel at Winter Park Christian Church 970-531-9799 sruiz@wpcc4him.org 9/13 just call Samuel and he will probably need furniture, clothes etc;
Thank you for not throwing these items away. Local families will appreciate and use them..
DRYWALL: United Drywall - Terry Selby (970-531-1503);
Mountaintop Drywall - Jon Raftshol 970-531-3499 mountaintopdrywall@gmail.com
ELECTRIC COMPANY: Mountain Parks Electric 970-887-3378, Box 170, Granby
ELECTRICIAN: Ray at R & R 970-887-2830;
Monaco Electric (Mike Monaco at 970-331-3605, mmonacoelectric@gmail.com);
Colorado Wireworks- Dave Hikam (970-531-1823);
Grand Lake Electric & Heating/Scott Turan 970-627-8215;
Power to the People (970-726-8131, pttpelectric.com)
EMERGENCY: Dial 911 and give your address. Poison: 800-332-3073
Important Reverse Cell Phone Calls for Emergencies: go to www.gcemergency.com to sign up.
This will notify locals and vacation homeowners by cell phone if a drastic event is affecting their homes.
Rocky Mountain Catastrophe (24/7 Emergency Service) 970-531-7308 or 970-722-7744 RkyMtnCat.com Ask for an Estimate First...
ENVIRONMENTAL: Tiffany Gatesman Gates Environmental Consulting and Engineering 970-531-8803 t.a.gatesman@gmail.com (water quality testing, well and septic inspections)
EVENTS for our area: https://mountainlakeselection.com/Events ; also see:
Grand Lake Chamber Events;
Events at the Grand Lake Center grandlakecenter.com/basecamp/calendar/
Fitness Classes at the Grand Lake Center https://grandlakecenter.com/commons/calendar/ Located in the old school building
EXCAVATING: McGill Excavation (Marcus): (719) 822-8934/ marcus.c.gill@gmail.com;
Steve Tukua 303-638-1249;
Thompson & Sons 970-887-3710.
Woodey Wood (specializes in drainage) 970-531-1603;
Bob Busse 970-531-8653 (Alternate Rob: 970-531-2481);
Wes Selby 970-531-3305;
Perizzolo Brothers: Joe (970-281-9749), Mike (469-232-8334), Brooke (941-323-1990)
FENCING: (Ask first whether you need a permit, especially if your property is in a homeowners' association.)
TM Fencing 970-531-7071 ehren.samuelson@gmail.com.
FIRE: For Emergency, Dial 911. For information: Grand Lake Fire Protection District 970-627-8428
To obtain a permit to Burn Slash and learn the regulations: 970-887-0745.
FIRE ASSISTANCE: Grand Foundation (Megan Ledin: 970-887-3111, megan@grandfoundation.com); United Policy Holders (non-profit helping to understand insurance claims and a great resource!)
FIREPLACES (Also see Furnace Repair & Installation): Wayne at Phoenix Fireplace Services, 720-261-8057; Granby Heating 970-887-3889
FIREWOOD: Ehren Samuelson 970-531-7071; Jonas Pearson 970-531-8055; Matt 970-531-4629.
Ranch Creek Forest Products- 970-887-9225 or visit www.Ranch-creek.com
FLOORING: Carpet - Travis Sauter 303-906-3621;
Grand Valley Flooring (Bobbie & Ted) 970-726-5006 bobbiec@grandvalleyflooring.com;
Premier Flooring Designs by Norah nms2864@gmail.com 720-837-7002
Tony Summers 720 971 5979; summershardwood@yahoo.com.
FLOWERS & GIFTS: Stalk Market 970-627-3336 thestalkmarket.com
FOREST SERVICE: Arapahoe National Forest 970-295-6600, Highway 40 between Town of Granby & City Market. Camping permits are required for the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area. Website: https://www.fs.usda.gov/arp They can help you with use passes, camping, trail updates, permits for firewood and Christmas trees.
FOUNDATIONS (Cracks, moisture remediation): Groundworks
FURNACE REPAIR & INSTALLATION: Pheonix Fireplace Services (Wayne): 720-261-8057;
Granby Heating & Sheet Metal 970-887-3889/ Granbyheatingservice@gmail.com;
Compel Sheet Metal - Garrick Compel (970-887-3969) HVAC;
Dustin Entz/ Rocky Mtn. Heat Connection: 970-531-1104. (Ask how long a wait.)
The Warm Store (Chris at 970-726-5546)
GARAGE DOORS: Stillwater Garage Doors, Mark Hutchinson 970-531-4590;
Grand Entry Garage Doors, Luke Schuler 970-575-0772 (grandentrygaragedoors.com)
Grand Lake 970-627-8008;
Pole Creek near Winter Park 970-726-8847;
Grand Elk by Granby 970-887-9122.
GRAND LAKE CENTER: Activities 970-627-2415 grandlakecenter.com; events; fitness schedule; (located at the former school site)
GROOMING: Leaving Pawnet Earth- Tenille Obe (970) 725-7364;
Dawgs Abound (Kremmling)- (970) 531-3659
Fishing: Spirit Lake Outfitters 970-531-1431; Kirks Fly Shop 970-627-5021 kirksflyshop@aol.com;
Historical Tours: Grand Lake Historical Society Kauffman House and Cottage Camp Museums 970-627-8324;
Guided tours in Rocky Mountain National Park - Lively Tours and Talks Dave 970-531-1211;
HAIR: Manes to Tame: Heidi Gardner 208-272-0623 (text or call) gardng9@aol.com;
Ask about liability insurance and ask for references.
Adam Jellema 970-531-7450;
Gene Hust Golden Hawk Home Improvements (call Beth) 720-270-5606;
Tate Bestor 507-254-9657, tbest74@yahoo.com;
Ken Stasco 303-519-3795; Marc Brennan 970-531-8134;
Kevin Reynolds 970-531-8949;
Corey Doroh 269-501-6464 homesteadrevival.llc@gmail.com;
Matt Bracco 720-538-2575, office@braccobuilt.com;
Marshall Clark 720-416-9746 marshallclcl970@gmail.com (Painting, texture/ damaged drywall, popcorn removal, staining) Insured/ pics and references upon request
HARDWARE and a lot of variety items: Grand Lake Hardware across from Rocky Mountain Grocery: 700 Grand: 970-627-8424
Grand Lake Center just south of the post office in the old elementary school building 970-627-2415 grandlakecenter.com;
Also look under Medical.
HEAT: See Furnace Repair and Installation.
HOME INSPECTIONS: Dan Canup 970-531-2263 aspecthomeinspections@gmail.com;
Justin Taylor 970-531-0437 inspectortaylor@yahoo.com; Dave Metzler 970-468-0960, davem.tiger@gmail.com or visit the website: www.tiger-home-inspections.com;
HOT TUBS: Relaxation Spa & Pool (Jeff Lewis at (240) 925-7844 or lewis.jeffrey83@gmail.com;
Spa Man 970-887-3045
INSULATION: Work Done by Rich (Rich Lutz), 970-581-3583 (spray foam insulation, but does all);
Mr. King Insulation/ Jeff King 970-531-2615 baffles/double bubble only uses "green" insulation products;
Rocky Mountain Spray Foam (Scott York) 720-854-8660.
INSURANCE: Middle Park Agency Granby: 970-887-3323;
Mountain West Insurance & Financial Services 970-887-3030;
State Farm 970-726-9668 insures nightly rentals too.
Comcast/Xfinity 888-824-4010;
Century Link 800-651-1729;
JOB LISTINGS: www.workingrand.com
KENNEL: Doggie Day Care & overnight: Mountain Mongrels in Granby 970-531-0837 mountainmongrels.com (dogs only, please);
Shauna Omlie (cats and dogs) in Fraser 970-726-8384 byerspeakvetclinic@gmail.com
LANDSCAPING: Steve Tukua 303-638-1249; Lakeside 970-712-8095;
Lunceford 970-887-3977 NeilsLunceford.com; Grand County Landscaping 970-887-3156;
LAWN CARE: Cory Rogers 970-531-4226 crogers121690@gmail.com;
Lovely Lawn 970-531-7777 ClancyClan@rkymtnhi.com.
LIBRARY: Juniper Library in Town Square 970-627-8353
LOANS: Chris Surprenant at American Liberty Mortgage 303-763-0137 schris@almortgageinc.com;
Josh Lemos josh@joshlemos.com 949-677-0057 (Has many different loan products);
Jeff Aronheim jeffrey.aronheim@ccm.com 303-596-9077;
Abby McDaniel 720-626-6045, Abby@dnvrlending.com;
US Bank: Barbara 970-513-4959 barbara.rapp@usbank.com - Resort condos, Constructions, Land loans and Wealth Portfolios too;
David Rutherford at Low Cost Mortgages (david@lcmloans.com) (303) 503-5799 (cell);
Huntington Bank: Joe L. Defosset 970-290-6028 (joe.l.defosset@huntington.com) or Josh Brethauer 719-351-4023 (josh.brethauer@huntington.com);
Canvas Credit Union: Shelby Parkhill 303-916-2051 (shelbyp@canvas.org)
LOCKSMITH : Home & Auto: Jason at Surelock Security (Winter Park) 970-726-8190 (SureLockSec@gmail.com);
Automobile lockouts only: Darrell Pritt 970-712-8095.
LODGING: see Rentals
LOG HOMES: Walden Hollow Chinking 970-531-0034.
LUMBER: Ranch Creek Forest Products 970-887-9225.
MACHINE REPAIR: Wizard Repair/Andy Sulik 970-627-8122, 970-531-3005.
MAINTENANCE: see Handymen
Middle Park Health Family Practice Clinic, Grand Lake- (970) 557-6044 Tuesday- Friday 8-5pm at the Grand Lake Center;
Middle Park Medical Center (Granby campus) for regular care and weekly/monthly specialists: 970-887-5800 at 1000 Granby Park Drive South, near City Market;
Kremmling Memorial Hospital 970-724-3442;
Hearing Care- Estes Park Audiology (in Granby) - Cory Workman, Au.D. 970-586-5255
METAL WORK: 513 Iron, LLC (Steve Bell at 303-907-6618) Interior and exterior stair railings, structural steel, custom range hood)
MOVERS: Mountain Movers 970-531-3590.
MUSEUMS historical: Kauffman House on Grand Lake at 407 Pitkin: 970-627-9644 ;
Emily Warner Aviation Museum located at 1023 County Road 610 in Granby, CO (open in summer only);
Grand County Museum located at 110 E. Byers Avenue in Hot Sulphur Springs 970-725-3939
Cozens Ranch Museum located at 77849 US Highway 40 between Fraser and Winter Park 970-726-5488;
Heritage Park Museum located at 111 N. 4th St. in Kremmling (open in summer only).
NATIONAL PARK: 970-627-3471 nps.gov/romo (RESERVATIONS REQUIRED for 2021 in Advance)
Rocky Mountain National Park Brochures: https://www.nps.gov/romo/planyourvisit/brochures.htm
NATIONAL FOREST (tree permits for transplanting, firewood): 970-295-6600
NATURAL GAS: Xcel Energy 800-772-7858
NEWSPAPER: 970-887-3334
Visit skyhinews.com for news from Grand Lake to Winter Park. https://skyhinews. secondstreetapp.com/ Newsletter-Sign-up-Page/
NOTARY: Misty Emerson (mobile notary, too) 970-509-9155, mistythenotary@gmail.com
PAINTING: Alex Bloomfield 970-531-8043 (alexbloomfield247@gmail.com);
Gene - Golden Hawk Home Improvements 720-466-3122 ghawkgene@gmail.com;
Jim Peterson 970-627-3911 or 531-0488 (small interior jobs); Hector Herrera 970-531-9490.
Peter Tomko 970-966-5414; Steve Robinson of Divide Painting 303-263-5058.
Yac 970-274-1261 fullpaintinc@gmail.com; MTZ Painting (Jose at 970-531-5121)
SPECIALIZED INTERIOR/ EXTERIOR TREATMENTS: Don Benson - Architectural Coating Solutions 970-509-9928 acsrockies.com
PEST CONTROL: Bryan Haught 970-725-3400 or 970-531-2329 - also, sealing against flies and bats, bees, etc;
Hilltop Home out of Steamboat: 970-879-7796. Orkin 866-953-2896.
PHARMACY: City Market, south of Granby 970-887-7150
PLUMBERS: (Prices vary. Be sure to get an estimate before authorizing any work).
Craig Worley at 720-250-9411;
Grand Lake Plumbing 970-627-3441, customersupport@grandlakeplumbing.com;
Koll Gardner at Hydrotek 970-726-7974 info@gchydrotek.com;
Brody, 3 Lakes Plumbing 309-275-1837 threelakesplumbing22@gmail.com;
George at Jackson Plumbing, 970-509-9802;
David Prather, 309-303-6511
Ferguson's Plumbing supply in Granby (970) 887-2426 - parts and fixtures only
Pipe Z Plumbing 720-827-6553 office@pipezplumbing.com (not for emergencies, based out of Denver);
POST OFFICE: 970-627-3340 (For overnight delivery, Kopy Kat in Granby is the drop for Fed Ex and UPS: 970-887-3320.)
PROPANE: Independent Gas Company 970-887-3371, Box 15, Granby; Ferrellgas 970-887-3338, Box 145, Granby
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT: see Rental Management.
RADON MITIGATION (out of the metro area): AceRadon.com 303-753-1044
REAL ESTATE: Mountain Lake Properties: 970-627-3103 MountainLake.com
Will O'Donnell 303-550-8615, Lisa Simpson 720-470-0054, Sylvia Baldwin 303-898-5804.
Donna Ready is at 970-531-3333.
Office is near the east end of Grand Lake's boardwalk.
1133 Grand Avenue, Box 1350, Grand Lake, Colorado, 80447-1350
Send e-mail to mountainlakeoffice@gmail.com
RECREATION DISTRICT Grand Lake: Golf Course/ Nordic Center for Grand Lake 970-627-8008; Grand Lake Center 970-627-2415
REMODEL: Broc Ridenhour, 970-227-4375, RidenhourRestoration@gmail.com;
Matt Collins 720-392-5145 (prospec.mc@gmail.com)
Will help if you own and provide a great resource when you rent.
Mountain Vacation Lodging: Grey Schuhmacher grey@resortia.com 970-846-3208;
Book by Owner, Mark Gibson 720-975-3402, MarkGibsonj24@hotmail.com;
Vacation Rental Co: Meredith Rumsey, 888-414-0222, meredith@vacationrentalco.com;
Stay Grand Lake: Shannon Cormier, 970-726-6211, Shannon@StayGrandLake.com / Owners@StayGrandLake.com
RENTAL EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, ETC.: Robert Garrett at Colorado's Rental Team- 970-887-8878 (info@crtrental.com);
Indian Peaks Rental- 970-887-0404
For long term, 6-12 months:
Watch the Sky-Hi News at www.skyhinews.com;
Check the new website www.workingrand.com;
Dawn at NicestProperties.com 720-772-7057 NicestProperties@gmail.com;
Dan & Stephanie Shannon 303-809-4053 shannon@jmpropertymgmt.com;
Nightly/ Weekly Cabins, Condominiums and mini-resorts (Click on links):
Just a sample of the wide selection, in no particular order:
Grand Mountain Rentals 970-627-1131 Some lakefront homes - wide selection.
Columbine Cabins 970-627-0800 Full kitchens, pets welcome;
Rapids Lodge by the river. 970-627-3707
Grand Mountain Rentals 970-627-1131 info@grandmountainrentals.com;
Book by Owner, Mark Gibson 720-975-3402, MarkGibsonj24@hotmail.com;
Mountain Vacation Lodging: Grey Schuhmacher grey@resortia.com 970-846-3208;
Vacation Rental Co: Meredith Rumsey, 888-414-0222, meredith@vacationrentalco.com
REPAIR: Wizard Repair- Small engines and chainsaws, Andy Sulik 970-627-8122
Breakfast, lunch and dinner, wide a wide selection, open daily: Sagebrush (across from Town Square's SE corner) 970-627-1404.
Breakfast smoothies and yougurt bowls, open Thursday through Friday (10am- 5pm) through the 2022 Summer season: Truepenny Pitstop (on the boardwalk across from Town square)
Breakfast and lunch: Blue Water Bakery 970-627-5416 (near the four way stop sign).
Coffee Shops on the boardwalk: Jumpstart 720-840-7805 (next to Mountain Lake Properties); The Hub 970-627-5095 (next to theater); The Wake Coffee Shop
Lunch & Dinner - all along the boardwalk: Grand Pizza 970-627-8390; Charlie's Sports Bar 970-627-8773; Cyi's Deli ( World's End Brewpub (along the boardwalk, across from the theater) 970-509-9970; Grand View Mountain Lodge; Nacho Mama's (12 pm - 8 pm, Closed on Sunday's); Firefly Pizza; El PaciPho (Chinese Favorites and Vietnamese Pho located on Main Street in the old Pacifico building); Nacho Mama's (Open Summer season: 12 pm - 8 pm, Closed on Sunday's); Firefly Pizza (Open Summer season)
Wolfies 970-627-8182 (next left past entrance to town along Highway 34); Roadhouse 970-627-9300 (4.7 miles south on Highway 34).
The Waterfront (970) 798-8284- by the snackbar on the Grand Lake beach.
Fine dining Lunch from 11 am to 3 pm and Dinner after 5 pm (Summer days of operation are Wednesdays through Sundays):
Rapids on the River just beyond the boardwalk 970-627-3707
ROAD CONDITIONS: Dial 511 on your cell phone, or call 877-315-7623 www.cotrip.org
ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK 970-627-3471: open 10 miles up, year round
Recorded Is-Trail-Ridge-Road-Open? Hotline: 970-586-1222. Ask about the many special seminars 1-800-748-7002
Timber Creek Campground talks nightly all summer and Visitor Center presentations
ROOFER: Do make sure they have insurance that covers roofing.
Nick at Rockies Roofing 720-965-5558/ nick@rockiesroofing.com;
Tony Zurn 303-748-3487;
Metcalf Metals and Roofing 970-531-3906; Gold Roofing (Bill) 970-593-3080;
Tony Acevedo 970-531-3705; Roofing Company 970-887-0104;
Slovic 303-748-4270 (for smaller jobs);
D & M Roofing (James Gebhart) 970-887-2987;
ROOFTOP SNOW REMOVAL: JAM Enterprises/ Patrick Brown 970-531-9889;
Gold Roofing 970-593-3080.
RV Repair: Rampart Recreation Mobile RV Repair - Josh 303-590-8001.
Lunceford 970-887-3977 NeilsLunceford.com; Grand County Landscaping 970-887-3156;
LAWN CARE: Cory Rogers 970-531-4226 crogers121690@gmail.com;
Lovely Lawn 970-531-7777 ClancyClan@rkymtnhi.com.
LIBRARY: Juniper Library in Town Square 970-627-8353
LOANS: Chris Surprenant at American Liberty Mortgage 303-763-0137 schris@almortgageinc.com;
Josh Lemos josh@joshlemos.com 949-677-0057 (Has many different loan products);
Jeff Aronheim jeffrey.aronheim@ccm.com 303-596-9077;
Abby McDaniel 720-626-6045, Abby@dnvrlending.com;
US Bank: Barbara 970-513-4959 barbara.rapp@usbank.com - Resort condos, Constructions, Land loans and Wealth Portfolios too;
David Rutherford at Low Cost Mortgages (david@lcmloans.com) (303) 503-5799 (cell);
Huntington Bank: Joe L. Defosset 970-290-6028 (joe.l.defosset@huntington.com) or Josh Brethauer 719-351-4023 (josh.brethauer@huntington.com);
Canvas Credit Union: Shelby Parkhill 303-916-2051 (shelbyp@canvas.org)
LOCKSMITH : Home & Auto: Jason at Surelock Security (Winter Park) 970-726-8190 (SureLockSec@gmail.com);
Automobile lockouts only: Darrell Pritt 970-712-8095.
LODGING: see Rentals
LOG HOMES: Walden Hollow Chinking 970-531-0034.
LUMBER: Ranch Creek Forest Products 970-887-9225.
MACHINE REPAIR: Wizard Repair/Andy Sulik 970-627-8122, 970-531-3005.
MAINTENANCE: see Handymen
Middle Park Health Family Practice Clinic, Grand Lake- (970) 557-6044 Tuesday- Friday 8-5pm at the Grand Lake Center;
Middle Park Medical Center (Granby campus) for regular care and weekly/monthly specialists: 970-887-5800 at 1000 Granby Park Drive South, near City Market;
Kremmling Memorial Hospital 970-724-3442;
Hearing Care- Estes Park Audiology (in Granby) - Cory Workman, Au.D. 970-586-5255
METAL WORK: 513 Iron, LLC (Steve Bell at 303-907-6618) Interior and exterior stair railings, structural steel, custom range hood)
MOVERS: Mountain Movers 970-531-3590.
MUSEUMS historical: Kauffman House on Grand Lake at 407 Pitkin: 970-627-9644 ;
Emily Warner Aviation Museum located at 1023 County Road 610 in Granby, CO (open in summer only);
Grand County Museum located at 110 E. Byers Avenue in Hot Sulphur Springs 970-725-3939
Cozens Ranch Museum located at 77849 US Highway 40 between Fraser and Winter Park 970-726-5488;
Heritage Park Museum located at 111 N. 4th St. in Kremmling (open in summer only).
NATIONAL PARK: 970-627-3471 nps.gov/romo (RESERVATIONS REQUIRED for 2021 in Advance)
Rocky Mountain National Park Brochures: https://www.nps.gov/romo/planyourvisit/brochures.htm
NATIONAL FOREST (tree permits for transplanting, firewood): 970-295-6600
NATURAL GAS: Xcel Energy 800-772-7858
NEWSPAPER: 970-887-3334
Visit skyhinews.com for news from Grand Lake to Winter Park. https://skyhinews.
NOTARY: Misty Emerson (mobile notary, too) 970-509-9155, mistythenotary@gmail.com
PAINTING: Alex Bloomfield 970-531-8043 (alexbloomfield247@gmail.com);
Gene - Golden Hawk Home Improvements 720-466-3122 ghawkgene@gmail.com;
Jim Peterson 970-627-3911 or 531-0488 (small interior jobs); Hector Herrera 970-531-9490.
Peter Tomko 970-966-5414; Steve Robinson of Divide Painting 303-263-5058.
Yac 970-274-1261 fullpaintinc@gmail.com; MTZ Painting (Jose at 970-531-5121)
SPECIALIZED INTERIOR/ EXTERIOR TREATMENTS: Don Benson - Architectural Coating Solutions 970-509-9928 acsrockies.com
PEST CONTROL: Bryan Haught 970-725-3400 or 970-531-2329 - also, sealing against flies and bats, bees, etc;
Hilltop Home out of Steamboat: 970-879-7796. Orkin 866-953-2896.
PHARMACY: City Market, south of Granby 970-887-7150
PLUMBERS: (Prices vary. Be sure to get an estimate before authorizing any work).
Craig Worley at 720-250-9411;
Grand Lake Plumbing 970-627-3441, customersupport@grandlakeplumbing.com;
Koll Gardner at Hydrotek 970-726-7974 info@gchydrotek.com;
Brody, 3 Lakes Plumbing 309-275-1837 threelakesplumbing22@gmail.com;
George at Jackson Plumbing, 970-509-9802;
David Prather, 309-303-6511
Ferguson's Plumbing supply in Granby (970) 887-2426 - parts and fixtures only
Pipe Z Plumbing 720-827-6553 office@pipezplumbing.com (not for emergencies, based out of Denver);
POST OFFICE: 970-627-3340 (For overnight delivery, Kopy Kat in Granby is the drop for Fed Ex and UPS: 970-887-3320.)
PROPANE: Independent Gas Company 970-887-3371, Box 15, Granby; Ferrellgas 970-887-3338, Box 145, Granby
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT: see Rental Management.
RADON MITIGATION (out of the metro area): AceRadon.com 303-753-1044
REAL ESTATE: Mountain Lake Properties: 970-627-3103 MountainLake.com
Will O'Donnell 303-550-8615, Lisa Simpson 720-470-0054, Sylvia Baldwin 303-898-5804.
Donna Ready is at 970-531-3333.
Office is near the east end of Grand Lake's boardwalk.
1133 Grand Avenue, Box 1350, Grand Lake, Colorado, 80447-1350
Send e-mail to mountainlakeoffice@gmail.com
RECREATION DISTRICT Grand Lake: Golf Course/ Nordic Center for Grand Lake 970-627-8008; Grand Lake Center 970-627-2415
REMODEL: Broc Ridenhour, 970-227-4375, RidenhourRestoration@gmail.com;
Matt Collins 720-392-5145 (prospec.mc@gmail.com)
Will help if you own and provide a great resource when you rent.
Mountain Vacation Lodging: Grey Schuhmacher grey@resortia.com 970-846-3208;
Book by Owner, Mark Gibson 720-975-3402, MarkGibsonj24@hotmail.com;
Vacation Rental Co: Meredith Rumsey, 888-414-0222, meredith@vacationrentalco.com;
Stay Grand Lake: Shannon Cormier, 970-726-6211, Shannon@StayGrandLake.com / Owners@StayGrandLake.com
RENTAL EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, ETC.: Robert Garrett at Colorado's Rental Team- 970-887-8878 (info@crtrental.com);
Indian Peaks Rental- 970-887-0404
For long term, 6-12 months:
Watch the Sky-Hi News at www.skyhinews.com;
Check the new website www.workingrand.com;
Dawn at NicestProperties.com 720-772-7057 NicestProperties@gmail.com;
Dan & Stephanie Shannon 303-809-4053 shannon@jmpropertymgmt.com;
Nightly/ Weekly Cabins, Condominiums and mini-resorts (Click on links):
Just a sample of the wide selection, in no particular order:
Grand Mountain Rentals 970-627-1131 Some lakefront homes - wide selection.
Columbine Cabins 970-627-0800 Full kitchens, pets welcome;
Rapids Lodge by the river. 970-627-3707
Grand Mountain Rentals 970-627-1131 info@grandmountainrentals.com;
Book by Owner, Mark Gibson 720-975-3402, MarkGibsonj24@hotmail.com;
Mountain Vacation Lodging: Grey Schuhmacher grey@resortia.com 970-846-3208;
Vacation Rental Co: Meredith Rumsey, 888-414-0222, meredith@vacationrentalco.com
REPAIR: Wizard Repair- Small engines and chainsaws, Andy Sulik 970-627-8122
Breakfast, lunch and dinner, wide a wide selection, open daily: Sagebrush (across from Town Square's SE corner) 970-627-1404.
Breakfast smoothies and yougurt bowls, open Thursday through Friday (10am- 5pm) through the 2022 Summer season: Truepenny Pitstop (on the boardwalk across from Town square)
Breakfast and lunch: Blue Water Bakery 970-627-5416 (near the four way stop sign).
Coffee Shops on the boardwalk: Jumpstart 720-840-7805 (next to Mountain Lake Properties); The Hub 970-627-5095 (next to theater); The Wake Coffee Shop
Lunch & Dinner - all along the boardwalk: Grand Pizza 970-627-8390; Charlie's Sports Bar 970-627-8773; Cyi's Deli ( World's End Brewpub (along the boardwalk, across from the theater) 970-509-9970; Grand View Mountain Lodge; Nacho Mama's (12 pm - 8 pm, Closed on Sunday's); Firefly Pizza; El PaciPho (Chinese Favorites and Vietnamese Pho located on Main Street in the old Pacifico building); Nacho Mama's (Open Summer season: 12 pm - 8 pm, Closed on Sunday's); Firefly Pizza (Open Summer season)
Wolfies 970-627-8182 (next left past entrance to town along Highway 34); Roadhouse 970-627-9300 (4.7 miles south on Highway 34).
The Waterfront (970) 798-8284- by the snackbar on the Grand Lake beach.
Fine dining Lunch from 11 am to 3 pm and Dinner after 5 pm (Summer days of operation are Wednesdays through Sundays):
Rapids on the River just beyond the boardwalk 970-627-3707
ROAD CONDITIONS: Dial 511 on your cell phone, or call 877-315-7623 www.cotrip.org
ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK 970-627-3471: open 10 miles up, year round
Recorded Is-Trail-Ridge-Road-Open? Hotline: 970-586-1222. Ask about the many special seminars 1-800-748-7002
Timber Creek Campground talks nightly all summer and Visitor Center presentations
ROOFER: Do make sure they have insurance that covers roofing.
Nick at Rockies Roofing 720-965-5558/ nick@rockiesroofing.com;
Tony Zurn 303-748-3487;
Metcalf Metals and Roofing 970-531-3906; Gold Roofing (Bill) 970-593-3080;
Tony Acevedo 970-531-3705; Roofing Company 970-887-0104;
Slovic 303-748-4270 (for smaller jobs);
D & M Roofing (James Gebhart) 970-887-2987;
ROOFTOP SNOW REMOVAL: JAM Enterprises/ Patrick Brown 970-531-9889;
Gold Roofing 970-593-3080.
RV Repair: Rampart Recreation Mobile RV Repair - Josh 303-590-8001.
SCHOOLS: East Grand School District egsd.org 970-887-2581; East Grand Middle School: 970-887-3382;
Middle Park High School: 970-887-2104; Granby Elementary 970-887-3312 (4 day school weeks since early '80's!)
Ask us for "Time to Winterize: Tips for getting through the cold months without freezing up."
Both Vivent and Honeywell's wifi thermostats have been recommended by other owners;
For consultation and installation:
Xfinity offers Hippo Water sensors to notify you in case water gets into your home 888-824-4010.
SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN & percolation tests:
Karl Smith 970-531-0617; JVA 970-722-7677; Hi-Country Soils Testing (Jed Dindinger) 970-726-5707
SEPTIC PUMPING & testing: Good to Go 970-531-4357;
A & A Septic 970-725-0126 info@aandaseptic.com.
SEWER: Three Lakes Water & Sanitation 970-627-3544, Box 899, Grand Lake
SEWER SCOPES/INSPECTIONS: Good to Go 970-531-4357;
A & A Septic 970-725-0126 info@aandaseptic.com.
SHERIFF: 970-725-3343, Box 48, Hot Sulphur Springs, 80451
SHIPPING UPS: Kopy Kat 970-887-3320 (also printing, banners, laminating) kopykatgp.com
SKI AREAS: Grand Lake Nordic Center (nordic) 970-627-8008 at end of Road 48;
Winter Park & Mary Jane (downhill) 970-726-5514; Granby Ranch (downhill) 970-887-3384 - just 22 minutes from Grand Lake; Devil's Thumb Ranch (downhill) 970-726-7000;
YMCA Snow Mountain Ranch (nordic) 970-887-2152;
SNOWMOBILE CLUB: Trailblazers Snowmobile Club Judy at 316-259-2503; To purchase a snowmobile: Power World 61000 Highway 40; For repair: Andy Sulik 970-627-8122; 970-531-3005.
Darrell Pritt 970-712-8095 Text your name, telephone number, address, and photo of your home;
Matt Young 484-471-9162;
Kyle Korth 970-531-3223;
Jason Rozinek 970-531-0887 (plowing, shoveling, decks, roofs, etc.);
Adam DeFranco Frank060310@gmail.com (ask for references);
Bryant Liles 970-531-5908 (immediate Grand Lake area/ no Columbine Lake- accepting new clients on case-by-case basis);
Zach Madson 218-256-0535 zachmadsonmultiservices@gmail. com;
Craig Cranston 970-531-8842 (East side of Columbine Lake) and Chris Atencio 303-915-4596 (West side of Columbine Lake);
Kendall Rahn 720-585-9672 (Trail Creek Only)
SNOW SHOVELING (Ask them if they have insurance..)
Tim Zimmerman 970-531-4499;
Matt Young 484-471-9162;
From Rooftops: JAM Enterprises/Patrick Brown 970-531-9889.
SOLAR: simplyefficient.com Guy Larson 303-898-9951; Power to the People 970-726-8131 pttpelectric.com;
Active Energies Solar 303-594-1953.
STAGING OF HOMES & INTERIOR DESIGNS: Rustic Edge, from consulting to full staging- Stephanie Shannon 303-809-4053
STONEWORK & TILE: Josh Mullinex 970-531-0602;
Shadow Mountain Plaster & Stone- Ken VanBemmelen at 970-531-2385 (stone & stucco);
Piceno's Tile, Concrete & Stone (970) 509-9403 (Tile, LVT);
Kevin Burns of KAB Construction, LLC 720-656-8304
STORAGE UNITS: Highway 34 & The Fort Storage 970-627-0006; Mountain View Rentals 720-772-7057 nicestproperties@gmail.com.
Craig Kobe 970-509-0783 ckobe@kobe-eng.com;
Rob Davis 303-229-1234;
Anthony (Tony) E. Krempin 970-531-2860 or 512-200-2499, tony@tkcse.com
SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE: 1-800-273-8255 suicidepreventionlifeline.org
SURVEYS: Tom Cary 970-509-0185 loosehorse56@gmail.com;
Scott Pulling 303-884-6955; Tim Shenk 970-887-1046;
Peak to Peak Land Surveying Jeanette 970-531-6016 jeanettecca@hotmail.com;
Warren Ward 970-531-1120 (wward8100@gmail.com)..
TELEPHONE: New service (residential) 1-800-244-1111; Comcast 800-266-2278; Century Link 800-651-1729.
TELEVISION SERVICE: Comcast 888-824-4010;
Century Link 800-651-1729; DISH 800-333-3474;
Many property owners simply use their cell phones now.
THEATRE: Live! Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre in Grand Lake, 800 Grand Avenue: 970-627-3421
Movies: The Foundry as you leave Fraser en route to Winter Park: 970-363-7161
TILE: Josh Mullinex 970-531-0602; Grand Valley Flooring 970-627-0146.
TITLE COMPANY: Title Company of the Rockies located in the town of Grand Lake; 721 Grand Avenue, Suite B; 970-627-0400
TOW TRUCK: Darrell Pritt 970-712-8095 (Text or call); Pete's Towing 970-887-0066; Hilly's Towing 970-726-5841.
TOWN of GRAND LAKE Government: 970-627-3435, Box 99, Grand Lake
TRAIN: Amtrak (stops in Granby & Fraser) 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245) amtrak.com (unstaffed depots); Winter Park Express Amtrak runs from January 14 through April 3, 2022
TRANSPORTATION: Van service by Home James (as far as Denver airport) 970-726-5060
TRASH REMOVAL: Pay as you Throw is most popular. Buy special bags for $2.50 to $4 at Mountain Market, Rocky Mountain Grocery,
GL Hardware, Town Hall or Chamber, fill them and drop them at the Town Shop dumpster behind the Car Wash.
For pick-up at your home: Trash Company 970-627-8531; Waste Management 970-725-3350. For big loads, it is affordable to take a load to the
Transfer Station in Granby at 723 County Road 612, just north of Hwy. 34/40 intersection: call 970-627-8531 for hours.
Metal recycling in Granby, Darrell Pritt 970-712-8095 (text or call);
Clive 970-531-6984;
Jim - Electronics recycling - 970-281-2444 JJM@bluelifeco.com.
Steve Tukua 303-638-1249;
Tyler Danielson, Arbor Care 970-682-8733;
Roger Giese 970-531-7302;
Ehren Samuelson 970-531-7071 ehren.samuelson@gmail.com;
Bryan Haught 970-725-3400 (treats trees for pests as well);
TREE TRANSPLANTS: Here's a valuable secret: permits for going into the National Forest with your family
and carefully digging up a few trees can be obtained at the Forest Service building
just south of Granby on Highway 40: 970-887-4100. For new trees and more summer plants,
visit Cold Springs Greenhouse east of Granby: 970-887-3406
TREES: Korey, Grand County Arborist GCArborist@gmail.com 262-215-6317.
TRUCKING: Betty Straub 531-7416 (hauling rocks, rubbish...)
Michael Brooks (across the road & west of Granby banks) 970-887-2417;
Shauna Omlie 970-726-8384 (offers kennel services too);
Granby Vet Clinic 970-887-3848.
To prevent this, please shut off the water going into your home when you leave.
For other important tips on winterizing your home while you are gone.
For installation of security and monitoring systems: James Ellis 970-724-4187
Xfinity (Comcast) provides security and water monitoring systems 888-824-4010.
WEATHER OBSERVATION www.granbyairport.com 970-887-1803
WELDING: Brandon Selvog 303-598-5898;
WELL DRILLING: Michael at James Drilling 800-352-9017
WELL PERMITS: Colorado Division of Water Resources 303-866-3581,
818 Centennial Building, 1313 Sherman Street, Denver 80203; https://dnrweb.state.co.us/ cdss/WellPermits
WELL FLOW TESTS: Karl Smith 970-531-0617; Grand Lake Plumbing 970-364-0417;
Gates Environmental Consulting and Engineering 970-531-8803 t.a.gatesman@gmail.com.
WELL PUMPS & WATER STORAGE TANKS: Abbott Pump AKA Troublesome Creek Pumps (Jim O'Connor) 970-509-0092;
CW Davis (Cliff Davis) 303-591-1518;
Grand Lake Plumbing 970-364-0417;
Connecting well head to your home and pumps - GeoWater Services (Gerald) 303-670-3348 GGasper@geowaterusa.com.
WINDOWS: For replacing fogged or broken panes of glass or for screens- Middle Park Glass in Granby 970-887-3886
WINDOW CLEANING: Bruce Knight 970-627-9331 (no longer using ladders);
JAM/Patrick Brown 970-531-9889.
WINDOW COVERINGS: Brandon Williams, Grand County Interiors 970-887-2053; Alpenglow Blinds 970-251-7948.
WINDOW TINTING: JAM Enterprises 970-531-9889.
WOOD PRODUCTS: Ranch Creek Forest Products 970-887-9225.
WOOD WORK Anything That's Wood 970-887-2191;
Gene - Golden Hawk Home Improvements 720-466-3122 ghawkgene@gmail.com;
Peter Cross Custom Woodworking 970-531-2145;
WOOD FLOORING: Tony Summers 720-971-5979 summershardwood@yahoo.com
Middle Park High School: 970-887-2104; Granby Elementary 970-887-3312 (4 day school weeks since early '80's!)
Ask us for "Time to Winterize: Tips for getting through the cold months without freezing up."
Both Vivent and Honeywell's wifi thermostats have been recommended by other owners;
For consultation and installation:
Xfinity offers Hippo Water sensors to notify you in case water gets into your home 888-824-4010.
SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN & percolation tests:
Karl Smith 970-531-0617; JVA 970-722-7677; Hi-Country Soils Testing (Jed Dindinger) 970-726-5707
SEPTIC PUMPING & testing: Good to Go 970-531-4357;
A & A Septic 970-725-0126 info@aandaseptic.com.
SEWER: Three Lakes Water & Sanitation 970-627-3544, Box 899, Grand Lake
SEWER SCOPES/INSPECTIONS: Good to Go 970-531-4357;
A & A Septic 970-725-0126 info@aandaseptic.com.
SHERIFF: 970-725-3343, Box 48, Hot Sulphur Springs, 80451
SHIPPING UPS: Kopy Kat 970-887-3320 (also printing, banners, laminating) kopykatgp.com
SKI AREAS: Grand Lake Nordic Center (nordic) 970-627-8008 at end of Road 48;
Winter Park & Mary Jane (downhill) 970-726-5514; Granby Ranch (downhill) 970-887-3384 - just 22 minutes from Grand Lake; Devil's Thumb Ranch (downhill) 970-726-7000;
YMCA Snow Mountain Ranch (nordic) 970-887-2152;
SNOWMOBILE CLUB: Trailblazers Snowmobile Club Judy at 316-259-2503; To purchase a snowmobile: Power World 61000 Highway 40; For repair: Andy Sulik 970-627-8122; 970-531-3005.
Darrell Pritt 970-712-8095 Text your name, telephone number, address, and photo of your home;
Matt Young 484-471-9162;
Kyle Korth 970-531-3223;
Jason Rozinek 970-531-0887 (plowing, shoveling, decks, roofs, etc.);
Adam DeFranco Frank060310@gmail.com (ask for references);
Bryant Liles 970-531-5908 (immediate Grand Lake area/ no Columbine Lake- accepting new clients on case-by-case basis);
Zach Madson 218-256-0535 zachmadsonmultiservices@gmail.
Craig Cranston 970-531-8842 (East side of Columbine Lake) and Chris Atencio 303-915-4596 (West side of Columbine Lake);
Kendall Rahn 720-585-9672 (Trail Creek Only)
SNOW SHOVELING (Ask them if they have insurance..)
Tim Zimmerman 970-531-4499;
Matt Young 484-471-9162;
From Rooftops: JAM Enterprises/Patrick Brown 970-531-9889.
SOLAR: simplyefficient.com Guy Larson 303-898-9951; Power to the People 970-726-8131 pttpelectric.com;
Active Energies Solar 303-594-1953.
STAGING OF HOMES & INTERIOR DESIGNS: Rustic Edge, from consulting to full staging- Stephanie Shannon 303-809-4053
STONEWORK & TILE: Josh Mullinex 970-531-0602;
Shadow Mountain Plaster & Stone- Ken VanBemmelen at 970-531-2385 (stone & stucco);
Piceno's Tile, Concrete & Stone (970) 509-9403 (Tile, LVT);
Kevin Burns of KAB Construction, LLC 720-656-8304
STORAGE UNITS: Highway 34 & The Fort Storage 970-627-0006; Mountain View Rentals 720-772-7057 nicestproperties@gmail.com.
Craig Kobe 970-509-0783 ckobe@kobe-eng.com;
Rob Davis 303-229-1234;
Anthony (Tony) E. Krempin 970-531-2860 or 512-200-2499, tony@tkcse.com
SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE: 1-800-273-8255 suicidepreventionlifeline.org
SURVEYS: Tom Cary 970-509-0185 loosehorse56@gmail.com;
Scott Pulling 303-884-6955; Tim Shenk 970-887-1046;
Peak to Peak Land Surveying Jeanette 970-531-6016 jeanettecca@hotmail.com;
Warren Ward 970-531-1120 (wward8100@gmail.com)..
TELEPHONE: New service (residential) 1-800-244-1111; Comcast 800-266-2278; Century Link 800-651-1729.
TELEVISION SERVICE: Comcast 888-824-4010;
Century Link 800-651-1729; DISH 800-333-3474;
Many property owners simply use their cell phones now.
THEATRE: Live! Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre in Grand Lake, 800 Grand Avenue: 970-627-3421
Movies: The Foundry as you leave Fraser en route to Winter Park: 970-363-7161
TILE: Josh Mullinex 970-531-0602; Grand Valley Flooring 970-627-0146.
TITLE COMPANY: Title Company of the Rockies located in the town of Grand Lake; 721 Grand Avenue, Suite B; 970-627-0400
TOW TRUCK: Darrell Pritt 970-712-8095 (Text or call); Pete's Towing 970-887-0066; Hilly's Towing 970-726-5841.
TOWN of GRAND LAKE Government: 970-627-3435, Box 99, Grand Lake
TRAIN: Amtrak (stops in Granby & Fraser) 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245) amtrak.com (unstaffed depots); Winter Park Express Amtrak runs from January 14 through April 3, 2022
TRANSPORTATION: Van service by Home James (as far as Denver airport) 970-726-5060
TRASH REMOVAL: Pay as you Throw is most popular. Buy special bags for $2.50 to $4 at Mountain Market, Rocky Mountain Grocery,
GL Hardware, Town Hall or Chamber, fill them and drop them at the Town Shop dumpster behind the Car Wash.
For pick-up at your home: Trash Company 970-627-8531; Waste Management 970-725-3350. For big loads, it is affordable to take a load to the
Transfer Station in Granby at 723 County Road 612, just north of Hwy. 34/40 intersection: call 970-627-8531 for hours.
Metal recycling in Granby, Darrell Pritt 970-712-8095 (text or call);
Clive 970-531-6984;
Jim - Electronics recycling - 970-281-2444 JJM@bluelifeco.com.
Steve Tukua 303-638-1249;
Tyler Danielson, Arbor Care 970-682-8733;
Roger Giese 970-531-7302;
Ehren Samuelson 970-531-7071 ehren.samuelson@gmail.com;
Bryan Haught 970-725-3400 (treats trees for pests as well);
TREE TRANSPLANTS: Here's a valuable secret: permits for going into the National Forest with your family
and carefully digging up a few trees can be obtained at the Forest Service building
just south of Granby on Highway 40: 970-887-4100. For new trees and more summer plants,
visit Cold Springs Greenhouse east of Granby: 970-887-3406
TREES: Korey, Grand County Arborist GCArborist@gmail.com 262-215-6317.
TRUCKING: Betty Straub 531-7416 (hauling rocks, rubbish...)
Michael Brooks (across the road & west of Granby banks) 970-887-2417;
Shauna Omlie 970-726-8384 (offers kennel services too);
Granby Vet Clinic 970-887-3848.
To prevent this, please shut off the water going into your home when you leave.
For other important tips on winterizing your home while you are gone.
For installation of security and monitoring systems: James Ellis 970-724-4187
Xfinity (Comcast) provides security and water monitoring systems 888-824-4010.
WEATHER OBSERVATION www.granbyairport.com 970-887-1803
WELDING: Brandon Selvog 303-598-5898;
WELL DRILLING: Michael at James Drilling 800-352-9017
WELL PERMITS: Colorado Division of Water Resources 303-866-3581,
818 Centennial Building, 1313 Sherman Street, Denver 80203; https://dnrweb.state.co.us/
WELL FLOW TESTS: Karl Smith 970-531-0617; Grand Lake Plumbing 970-364-0417;
Gates Environmental Consulting and Engineering 970-531-8803 t.a.gatesman@gmail.com.
WELL PUMPS & WATER STORAGE TANKS: Abbott Pump AKA Troublesome Creek Pumps (Jim O'Connor) 970-509-0092;
CW Davis (Cliff Davis) 303-591-1518;
Grand Lake Plumbing 970-364-0417;
Connecting well head to your home and pumps - GeoWater Services (Gerald) 303-670-3348 GGasper@geowaterusa.com.
WINDOWS: For replacing fogged or broken panes of glass or for screens- Middle Park Glass in Granby 970-887-3886
WINDOW CLEANING: Bruce Knight 970-627-9331 (no longer using ladders);
JAM/Patrick Brown 970-531-9889.
WINDOW COVERINGS: Brandon Williams, Grand County Interiors 970-887-2053; Alpenglow Blinds 970-251-7948.
WINDOW TINTING: JAM Enterprises 970-531-9889.
WOOD PRODUCTS: Ranch Creek Forest Products 970-887-9225.
WOOD WORK Anything That's Wood 970-887-2191;
Gene - Golden Hawk Home Improvements 720-466-3122 ghawkgene@gmail.com;
Peter Cross Custom Woodworking 970-531-2145;
WOOD FLOORING: Tony Summers 720-971-5979 summershardwood@yahoo.com